Friday, February 11, 2005

To be continued...

I might be taking a few days off.

You know things are dicey when your cardiologist, who just told your husband, "So you don't want to do tests, don't" tells you "Do these tests and make sure a doctor sees them right away. And come back and see me before you go to America."

So I have to adjust to beta blockers and hope that they can pull my heart rate down from its high of 167.

I'll be back some time next week or when I have an FO to report, whichever is first.


--Deb said...

Sounds like a few days off wouldn't be a bad idea. . . . Good thing knitting is relaxing, huh??

Creative Genius? said...

Yikes - get some rest and feel better!! No rewards are given out for the person whose heart beats the fastest.... :-)

illanna said...

You are from Flushing too? That's so cool! I went to Solomon Schechter and then Forest Hills HS. Now I live in Arizona for college. Are the yarn stores nice in Israel???

Batya said...

Refuah shleimah. See what one thing you can change, to improve your health. Just start with one thing, like twenty minute walk a day.