Sunday, June 29, 2003

Cool granny
You are a masterful knitter! I don't know how you
got this result, but what the hell... Enjoy
your title, and try selling some of your
"unvented" patterns- you may make
enough for that bundle of qiviut you've been
drooling over...

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Thursday, June 12, 2003

Started work on a hat/cowl for the Greentree project. B finally called the local sheep growers--they just dumped the fleeces. :-( They've told us where the fleeces are, though, so I'll go next week and see if there's anything there to play with.

Monday, June 09, 2003

Still have to weave in the ends on S's vest--she decided that she wanted the 8" cowl after all. Been going crazy on Ebay -- bought a bunch of Spin-Offs, some cotton, some cotton seeds, some Althea (hollyhock) seeds, an inkle loom. At this rate, I'll have no room left for purchases when I get to the States! Dyed some more rolags for T's felted bag--two each in Lemonade and Orange. I love KoolAid!

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

Finishing time! No, not just finals (the kids', not mine). I've finished several major projects at work, S finished the pillow top she was working on, I've finished S's vest for next year (aside from the seams and sewing in ends--I'll crochet the seams so if she outgrows it, I can add panels in under the arms. I finished my Spin-Off skein and sent that in. B finished off the Torah that's been sitting at the client's for a year and tomorrow is the dedication--right in the middle of a big protest march. Oh, joy...