Monday, May 23, 2005

Clearing up loose ends

Or: Why I love wireless access.

I'm sitting here at Newark Airport, waiting for my flight to West Palm. Trying to answer one of the fundamental questions of the universe: why does El-Al show movies from 2003 on their 2005 flights? The only movie worth watching was Coach Carter.

Before I get to my parents, gotta tie up some loose ends.

End #1: Flower week. I love altheas. Can't imagine why.

I finished the black kippah from the kippalong. Final stats: Bulky weight 100% Pima cotton. Started with a figure 8 cast on (6 stitches) and increased up to 72 stitches by knitting one row plain, knitting the next as k(n), yo, k(n), yo, where (n) increases by one each time. After I hit 72 stitches I knit plain for 2 rows, then did a pattern of purl diamonds (9 stitches: k4, p1, k4 the first row, k3, p3, k3 the second, k2, p5, k2 the last) and then four rows of garter stitch before BO.

When I left home it was still blocking:

The Spouse tends to wear his kippot inside out. Too bad, Honey, there is no inside out on this baby!

I almost didn't make it this far. Sunday night I left the house, and when we got down the hill, the army wouldn't let us continue. A Palestinian Arab had littered the road with 3 road-side bombs. Luckily there's a side path (I wouldn't dignify it with the name "dirt road" which in the 14 years I've been living here I've never travelled down. We took it and proved that everything happens for a reason--if the car hadn't been in the garage over a nonsense bit of repair, it would have been wrecked on that path. Think this means we've already had our weekly attempt to kill us all?
Oops--that's my flight they're calling. See you next where the sun always shines (except in hurricane season)!


Anonymous said...

Hey enjoy!!! And glad things worked out for the best, I mean monumentally glad. Altheas are gorgeous!

Batya said...

Traveling again?

People have no idea what life is really like.

j-jen said...

The kippah is looking good, but you went with a completely different pattern. :) Next time you're in the neighborhood, give me a holler cuz I have two giant kippahs waiting for you. :D

Have a safe trip!