Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Ulpanistiyot of the world, unite!

Last night’s Kochav Nolad (the Israeli version of American Idol) was won by religious high school heart throb Ohad Elisha. He got twice the votes the next contestant did, despite having sung something that didn’t flatter his voice.

We are high schoolers. We have cell phones. Fear us.

Even Riki Gal and the Maestro have fallen under the spell of the off-side kippah, the puppy dog eyes.

Riki Gal sounds like a fantastic voice teacher. Her critiques are so simple, but so on the money, that they are breath-taking. But know who needs to hear her critique most? Based on her singing last night, Riki herself. Day-um, woman, I know cocaine can mess up your nose, but this is the first proof I have that it can mess up your throat, too!

You've got to love the secular right. First it was orange condoms distributed in the night clubs, now it's orange-and-white parking spaces in north Tel Aviv. I'm not sure I'd like to live in north Tel Aviv--too crowded and too dirty, but I'm willing to slum for a while.

And now, what you've come here for (except you, Alison. We know you're all about the transitions--hee!)

For those scoffers who think I can't do it, the first FO from yesterday's list:

The Middle Teen's socks, knitted, kitchenered, and handed over. Only 10 more projects to go. (11, actually, since I forgot to list The Oldest Teen's surgery next Sunday, but I can knit through that.)

Check out the bling! Becky sent me these great stitch markers as part of Bead It 2. She took rings from the wedding crafts section of her LCS to make the rings, so they look as fancy as the rest! As you see, I put them to work right away. With all these teens around the place, everything else has to pull its own weight.


Creative Genius? said...

Who'd of thunk it... Israeli idol!! I'd love to see THAT on TV here -- it would be much better than listening to stuffy Simon pass judgement!

Agnes said...

Hi there, thanks for visiting my blog and the birthday wish. My husband and I are great fan of American Idol too. And I am a great fan of Simon! :)
Great socks! 10 more to go? It seems you're going to be really busy! LOL!
Take care!