Thursday, June 30, 2005

Can I have a re-do?

Or: My week in pictures.

My birthday. At least I thought it was. Seems my husband and kids had other plans, none of which included even saying "happy birthday." But am I bitter?

You bet your sweet bippy I am!

The only kid with a pass was the Oldest Teen, since he went in for to have his tongue released and a nerve moved. As soon as he came out of surgery he asked for a mirror to see what had been done. Terrible mom that I am, I had no mirror, but good blogger that I am, I did have the camera:

Until Sunday, you would have seen his tongue lapping over his lower front teeth. Freedom!

I went to renew my gun license. Spouseman, does this message say something to you?

The Youngest Teen graduated 8th grade (including NN). No processionals here, just dinner and a play.

(The Youngest Teen is the blonde in the black skirt with her back to the camera.)

The Youngest Teen's knitting made its stage debut.

You can barely see it (all seats in the sports hall are nosebleeed city), but it's on the ground next to the flowerpot in the lower right hand corner, her Neverending Red Scarf.

Bar Mitzvah party for my cousin's son and The Spouse finished off the Torah scroll my cousin comissioned for the ocassion.

The hills of Jerusalem in the background, a canopy above--what more could a scribe want? Oh, yeah, a little less wind... He's earned his Samurai Scribe designation now.

The country's going mad. Something major is going down in the Arab city next door, but there's an injunction against publishing details, so check with your major news outlet later today. The army has also closed off Gush Katif to non-residents and is not allowing free traffic to residence. Locals says it looks like the army is preparing for war. Against Israeli citizens.

All I'm sayin' is that maybe if they fought the enemy instead of citizens, what's going on below me wouldn't be happening, nor would what's going on in Gush Katif.

So, it's the last day of June. How'd I do on that to-do list?
My knitting to-do list for the month of June
  1. Finish sleeves of Fiona, block and sew sweater.--Almost done with the sleeves.
  2. Finish the Middle Teen's blue Trekking XL socks--DONE!
  3. Finish my Magic Stripes socks--DONE!
  4. Finish at least 1 Sockotta sock--finished the gusset, steaming around the feet.
  5. Finish the Industrial Monkey--DONE!
  6. Do at least one pattern repeat of the Mystery Stole
  7. Finish spinning roving for the Middle Teen's sweater--DONE!
  8. Work 40 hour weeks, plus get in an additional 20 hours--Ha. Don't make me laugh.
  9. Go to the Youngest Teen's 8th grade graduation--DONE!
  10. Go to a Bar Mitzvah party--DONE!
  11. Go to The Spouse's Torah dedication weekend--Doing this weekend.
  12. The Oldest Teen's surgery--DONE!


--Deb said...

Even so, I can't believe they forgot your birthday. Not fair! Hope you had a good one, anyway!

Lisa said...

Big hugs to you. I got absolutely nothing from my hubby last year for my birthday, so he knew better this year! Hopefully yours makes it up to you :(

Batya said...

Happy birthday to you!
I've given up expecting much; though this year I think all the kids mentioned it.

What a week!

j-jen said...

Happy belated birthday, moze. Hope all your birthday wishes come true.

BTW-Looks like the kippot I have waiting for you should fit the spouse just fine. :)

Creative Genius? said...

Oh my goodness - i didn't even know it was your birthday... hopefully you were able to treat yourself to some fun (or at least plenty of quiet knitting time!)

Happy Happy!!!

Anonymous said...

ARGH!!!! I missed your big day! Well, happy belated and YES! You can have a do-over. And the gun...? skeery. you are a' scarin; me, moze ;)