Friday, April 15, 2005

My name is Moze and I'm a KAL addict

So it's a week to Pessach, the house isn't ready, the kids are home on vacation and acting like typical teens, I'm overloaded at work, and the spouse is due home today. What does a good Moze do?

But of course--she joins 3 KALs. I think I'm addicted.

After I joined the Branch Out KAL I cast on with the singles I spun from the roving I got at Downtown Yarns last month. It's the first time I was careful to keep the colors separate as I spun, and I was afraid to ply it because I'd mess them up. (Also, I opnly ended up with 240 yards, so if I navaho plied, I'd end up with nothing to work with.) Here it is at 2.5 repeats along and totally unblocked:

Then I joined the Just for Me KAL. You see, I went into my sock drawer yesterday--not a single sock there aside from handknits. My girls had taken them all and left only single socks. I hope to recover a few pairs during Pessach cleaning, but since I see I have a very specific type of teen termite (eats only commercial socks) I'm going to knit myself at least 2 pair of socks. (I'll count the ones I started the other day.)

And last but not least there's the Not Yarn KAL. I'm still thinking about what to do with that one.

And check out the new button under the KALs. Yes, I'm Not Going To Maryland Sheep And Wool Festival But I Am NOT Bitter. It's kind of nice to be home once in a while, even if it does mean you have to read endlessly about the fun everyone else is hiding while you're stuck trying to hide your orange protest bracelet whenever you see a cop nearby.


emy said...

Welcome to the world of KAL addiction. I just got myself into a couple of them too! LOL

Batya said...

I have other ways of wasting time; at least you have something--oops but it's clutter--when you're finished.
I wrote two musing last week, and there's another fermenting...
