Thursday, February 01, 2007

Downsizing January

I don't know whether it's an early midlife crisis, a fit of FLYing, or the Israeli settler's version of the American middle-class woman's fear of ending up a bag lady (i.e., ending up in a charavilla), but I've been trying to downsize. Get rid of things I don't love and won't use, books that don't interest me, VHS tapes I have on DVD or electronic files, turning stash into knitting. January was a productive month. I'm down 22 VHS tapes, 40 books (yes, I do read fast), and 13 skeins of yarn (after the one skein which was bought to finish these):

The four skeins of yarn it took to knit these knee socks aren't amongst the 13 in the count; until I knit the final stitch possible out of a yarn, it doesn't count as done, and I have about 40 grams left. Anyone have any ideas on what to do with such a small but substantial amount? If it were food I'd feed it to the cat, but I doubt she likes Strumpfwolle 6 fach.


Batya said...

You're doing it right. Must rid ourselves of clutter. I have to start, too!

Devorah said...

Mitts? Ala' Fetching or one of it's relations?

Katie Cannon said...

Love the socks. I agree on the clutter. Thanks for your comment. I hope to get into see a DR next week.

StarKnits said...

love the socks!
not sure what you can do with the left overs...sorry that wasn't much help!

Diane H said...

Someone was working on an afghan of sock yarn. The Yarn Harlot announced it and the afghan-maker was buried under bits of other people's leftovers. You could have a scrap afghan going of all the left-overs. Double the sock yarn. I tend to under buy sock yarn and don't have any left, but shorter socks. I am also a woman of a certain age, eager to get rid of the stuff. Loads to Goodwill (or you could accumulate your bits and give them away - I used to buy bags of yarn).

Lucy said...

Four Skeins!!! WOW!!!